Introduction and Prerequisites

The following pages give high level level directions for setting up Intune with basic Mac management capabilities.

It is assumed that you are already familiar with Intune and have existing Intune and Apple Business Manager instances set up and have logins with sufficient privilege to carry out the operations required.

In Apple Business Manager a managed Apple ID with either the Administrator or Device Enrollment Manager role is required to add an MDM. To add a Location and assign the content Manager Role the Administrator or People Manager role is required.

In Intune sign in as a member of the Global Administrator or Intune Service Administrator Entra ID roles

Intune Setup

This section describes the essential setup information that links Intune to the various Apple Services needed to achieve Automated Device enrollment and ongoing device management

APNS Certificate

Apple Push Notification Services are critical to the operation of MDM. For any action the MDM needs to take such as issuing a command or installing a profile the initial communication with the device is via APNS.

To access the Intune UI, in a browser open and log in with a Entra ID user ID that has the role of Global Administrator or Intune Service Administrator for your tenancy

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> macOS Enrollment

Click Apple MDM Push Certificate

Check the box granting permission to send information to Apple

Click on Download your CSR

In a new browser window or tab open and log in with a managed Apple ID.

Do not use a personal Apple ID for this process as management the APNS certificate will be critical over the life of your device management solution and access via a personal Apple ID may become unavailable as staff change over time. Using a Managed Apple ID keeps control within the Apple Business Manager (or Apple School Manager) instance.

Click Create a Certificate

Upload the CSR, create and download the certificate

You can log out and close this window/tab

Return to the Intune UI

Under Apple ID Enter the Managed Apple ID you used to log in and create the certificate

Under Apple MDM push certificate Select the certificate you just downloaded then click Upload

The Microsoft Documentation for this procedure is at

Automated Device Enrollment Token

The Device Enrollment token enables secure communication between Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager and the MDM to allow for Automated Device Enrollment.

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> iOS/iPadOS -> iOS/iPadOS Enrollment

(Devices -> macOS -> macOS Enrollment will also work)

Click Enrollment program tokens

Click on + Add to add a new token

Check the box granting permission to send information to Apple

Click on Download your public key

To access Apple Business Manager open a new browser window or tab and navigate to and log in with a Managed Apple ID that has the role of Administrator or Device Enrolment Manager

Click your name at the bottom of the sidebar, and click Preferences

Under Your MDM Servers click the plus sign to + Add

Name your MDM server and upload the Public Key

Download the Server Token by clicking on Download Token then clicking Download Server Token

In the Intune UI

Under Apple ID enter the Managed Apple ID you used to log in and
create the Server Token

Under Apple token select the Server Token just downloaded then click Next then click Create

The Microsoft Documentation for this procedure is at

Apps and Books Token

The Apps and Books Token (previously known as the Volume Purchase Program or VPP token) enables secure communication between Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager and the MDM for the management of Apps and Book licensing

In Apple Business Manager

In the sidebar click Locations

Click the plus sign to + Add

Enter the details and create the new location

Click your name at the bottom of the sidebar, and click Preferences

Click Payments and Billing

Find the location you just created under Server Tokens and download the VPP token by clicking Download

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Tenant administration -> Connectors and tokens -> Apple VPP Tokens

Click + Create to Create VPP Token

Under Token Name give the Token the same name used in ABM

Enter the Managed Apple ID used to create the VPP token in ABM

Upload the token file and click Next

Click through to complete the process.

You can ignore the Scope Tags page for this exercise

The Microsoft Documentation for this procedure is at

iOS / iPadOS

iOS Device Enrollment Profile

The Device Enrollment Profile is created by the MDM and synchronised with Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager to enable the Automated Device Enrolment process. A Device Enrollment Profile is created and assigned to one or more devices. Upon activation that profile will be installed on the device which will provide certificates and the URL of the MDM that will manage the device. A list of Setup Assistant items to hide from the user is also provided.

Purchase Company Portal licenses

In Apple Business Manager

In the sidebar click Apps and Books

Search for Microsoft Intune Company Portal and select it.

Under Buy Licenses select the location corresponding to your Intune instance and specify 2 in the quantity then click Get

NOTE: Company Portal is Deployed automatically as part of AutomatedDevice Enrolment. It is a pre requisite that VPP licenses are available for this to work but it is currently not necessary to separately scope the app to the required devices. This will change in future.

In the Intune UI

Ensure the app appears in the list under Apps -> iOS/iPadOS apps

NOTE: It may be necessary to force synchronisation after the ABM app purchase

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Tenant administration -> Connectors and tokens -> Apple VPP Tokens

Right click on the token name and select Sync

Navigate to Devices -> iOS/iPadOS -> iOS/iPadOS Enrollment

Click Enrollment program tokens

Click the token you created from the list

Under Manage click Profiles

Click + Create Profile -> iOS/iPadOS

Complete the config as follows:

Name the profile e.g. iOS ADE with MFA then click Next

Settings should be as follows:

User affinity = Enroll with User Affinity

Authentication Method = Setup Assistant with modern authentication

Locked Enrollment = Yes

Await Final Configuration = Yes

Other settings can be default

Enter a department Name and Phone Number and toggle all setup assistant screens to Hide except

Passcode = Show

Location Services = Show

Touch ID and Face ID = Show

Save the enrolment profile

Click Set default profile and set the just created profile as the default for iOS/iPadOS

iOS Configuration Profiles

Create a few essential configuration profiles. The method is the same in each case with one possible key difference. Use of a Template or the Setting catalogue.

Passcode Compliance Policy

Setting a Compliance Policy creates a configuration profile and also implements a corresponding compliance check in Intune. This policy is used to ensure a device passcode is set with appropriate complexity.

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> iOS/iPadOS -> Compliance Policies

Click + Create to Create a new policy then Create a Policy Create

Give the policy a name e.g. Passcode then click Next

Under System Security

Click + Add all devices

Click Next

Click Create

Managed Open In Profile

The Managed Open profile is used to implement the Managed Open In controls on iOS and iPadOS that limit the flow of data between managed and unmanaged apps.

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> iOS/iPadOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create profile to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type - Settings Catalogue then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. Managed Open In then click Next

Click + Add settings and choose Restrictions and select the settings in the screenshot below and close the Settings Picker

Set the values to True or False as shown

Click Next then on Scope Tags click Next

In Assignments Click + Add all devices

Click Next then Click Create

Single Sign On Profile

The Single Sign On profile enables the use of Apple's Extensible Single Sign On framework in conjunction with the Entra ID SSO Extension to reduce the burden on users logging in while maintained strong authentication and authorisation using modern authentication protocols. This also requires that Microsoft Authenticator is installed on the device.

*In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> iOS/iPadOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create profile to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type - Settings Catalogue then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. Entra ID SSO then click Next

Click + Add settings and choose Authentication -> Extensible Single Sign On (SSO) and select the settings in the screenshot below and close the Settings Picker

Key Type Value
browser_sso_interaction_enabled Integer 1
disable_explicit_app_prompt Integer 1
AppPrefixAllowList String,
device_registration String {{DEVICEREGISTRATION}}

Click Next then on Scope Tags click Next

In Assignments Click + Add all devices

Click Next then Click Create

Email Profile

The Email profile will add an account the the native iOS Mail app on behalf of the user.

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> iOS/iPadOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create profile to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type - Templates then Email then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. Exchange Online then click Next

Click + Add all devices

Click Next

Click Create

iOS App Deployment


Deploy Microsoft Authenticator

In Apple Business Manager

In the sidebar click Apps and Books

Search for Microsoft Authenticator and select the iOS version

Under Buy Licenses select the location corresponding to your Intune instance and specify 10 in the quantity then click Get

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Apps -> iOS/iPadOS

Select Microsoft Authenticator from the list of available apps. If it is not listed try clicking Refresh

Click on Properties

Click on Assignments Edit and assign the app under Required -> + Add all devices then Review + save

Deploy Additional Apps

Repeat the above process to deploy additional apps such as Microsoft Teams and OneDrive and Workday

You can make apps appear as optional installs within the Company Portal
pp by assigning them as Available for enrolled devices rather than Required

NOTE: It may be necessary to force synchronisation after the ABM app purchase

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Tenant administration -> Connectors and tokens -> Apple VPP Tokens

Right click on the token name and select Sync

App Configuration

These settings are app specific and control, behaviour of the specific apps as determined by the app developer. The example below sets the UPN used by Teams based on the user that enrolled the device


In the Intune UI

Apps -> App Configuration Policies

Click + Add -> Managed Devices

Give the policy a name e.g. Teams UPN

Select Platform iOS/iPadOS

Targeted App -> Select Microsoft Teams

Click Next

Configuration settings format -> select Use configuration designer

Enter values as follows:

Key Type Value
IntuneMAMAllowedAccountsOnly String Enabled
IntuneMAMUPN String {{userprincipalname}}

Set Scope to All devices

Click Next

Click Create

iOS Device Assignment

In Apple Business Manager

From the sidebar click Devices

Search for the serial number of the iPhone you will enrol and select it

Click Edit MDM Server

Click Assign the Following MDM and choose the appropriate MDM from the drop down list then click Continue

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> iOS/iPadOS -> iOS/iPadOS Enrollment

Click Enrollment program tokens

Select the token you created from the list

Under Manage click Devices

If the device you assigned from ABM is not listed click Sync, wait a minute and click Refresh

Check the box next to the device(s) in the list that you wish to apply an ADE profile then click Assign Profile

Under Assign Profile select the appropriate enrolment profile from the drop down list

Click Sync to sync with ABM. This can be done only after 15 mins or more from the last manual sync.

Enrolment Test

You can now test the enrolment process on the iPhone you have assigned


Mac Device Enrollment Profile

The Device Enrollment Profile is created by the MDM and synchronised with Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager to enable the Automated Device Enrolment process. A Device Enrollment Profile is created and assigned to one or more devices. Upon activation that profile will be installed on the device which will provide certificates and the URL of the MDM that will manage the device. A list of Setup Assistant items to hide from the user is also provided.

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> macOS Enrollment

Click Enrollment program tokens

Click the token you created from the list

Under Manage click Profiles

Click + Create Profile -> macOS

Complete the config as follows:

Name the profile e.g. macOS ADE with MFA

User affinity = Enroll with User Affinity

Authentication Method = Setup Assistant with modern authentication

Locked Enrollment = Yes

Enter a department Name and Phone Number and toggle all setup assistant
screens to Hide except

Location Services = Show

Touch ID and Face ID = Show

Configure Account Settings

Click Create

Click Set default profile and set the just created profile as the default for macOS

Mac Configuration Profiles

Create a few essential configuration profiles. The method is the same in each case with one possible key difference. Use of a Template of the Setting catalogue. An example of each is given.

For configuration profiles created using the Settings Catalogue there is an Export JSON capability. There is a corresponding capability to select Import Policy as an option when creating a new configuration profile so previous configs can be reused.

FileVault Profile

This profile enables FileVault full disk encryption.

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type - Settings Catalogue then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. FileVault then click Next

Click + Add settings and choose Full Disk Encryption and select the settings in the screenshot below and close the Settings Picker.

Make the selections as shown

Click Next then on Scope Tags click Next

In Assignments Click + Add all devices

Click Next then Click Create

Firewall Profile

This profile enables the built in macOS Application Firewall

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type - Settings Catalogue then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. Firewall then click Next

Click + Add settings and choose Networking -> Firewall and select the settings in the screenshot below and close the Settings Picker

Make the selections as shown

Click Next then on Scope Tags click Next

In Assignments Click + Add all devices

Click Next then **** Click Create

Gatekeeper Profile

This profile enables Gatekeeper to ensure only trusted apps can launch on macOS

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type - Settings Catalogue then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. Gatekeeper then click Next

Click + Add settings and choose setting from App Store, System Policy and select the settings in the screenshot below and close the Settings Picker

Click Next then on Scope Tags click Next

In Assignments Click + Add all devices

Click Next then Click Create

Extensible SSO Profile

The Single Sign On profile enables the use of Apple's Extensible Single Sign On framework in conjunction with the Entra ID SSO Extension to reduce the burden on users logging in while maintained strong authentication and authorisation using modern authentication protocols. This also requires that Company Portal is installed on the device.

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type - Settings Catalogue then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. Entra ID SSO then click Next

Click + Add settings and choose Authentication -> Extensible Single Sign On (SSO) and select the settings in the screenshot below and close the Settings Picker

Key Type Value
browser_sso_interaction_enabled Integer 1
disable_explicit_app_prompt Integer 1
AppPrefixAllowList String,

Click Next then on Scope Tags click Next

In Assignments Click + Add all devices

Click Next then Click Create

Office 365 Profile

This sets some parameters for Office 365 including the default user for licensing

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type - Settings Catalogue then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. Office 365 Parameters then click Next

Click + Add settings and choose Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Office then click the Enable Automatic sign-in and Office Activation Email Address checkboxes and close the Settings Picker

Under Assignments click +Add all devices

Custom Profile

This profile sets the configuration of the Support App which we will install as part of this setup.

Create a custom config for the Support app as per the documentation on the developers web site

This can be done with a text editor or a tool like iMazing Profile Editor.

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type -> Templates then Custom then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. Support App Config then click Next

For Custom configuration profile name enter Support App Config

Set Deployment Channel to Device Channel

Upload the Custom Configuration profile file. Use filename Support_Intune.mobileconfig

Under Assignments click +Add all devices

Managed Login Items Profile

Any background items that run upon a device boot or at user login including Launch Daemons, Launch Agents and Open at Login Apps can be deactivated by an Admin user. In order to prevent these items being deactivated a Managed Login Items config profile is deployed.

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type - Settings Catalogue then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. Background and Login Items then click Next

Click + Add settings and choose Login -> Service Management - Managed Login Items then check all but Team Identifier and close the Settings Picker

Enter the following values:

Comment Rule Type Rule Value Team Identifier
Microsoft Apps Bundle Identifier Prefix Not Configured
Microsoft Daemons Label Prefix Not Configured
Support App Label Not Configured

Under Assignments click +Add all devices

Mac App Deployment


Deploy Company Portal

Company Portal is required for a number of functions. These include device registration with Azure AD, a self Service App catalogue and provision of the Azure AD SSO Extension code.

In a new browser window or tab open samples/blob/master/macOS/Apps/Company%20Portal/installCompanyPortal.zsh

Copy the contents of the zsh script, paste in to a text editor and save the file as InstallCompanyPortal.zsh

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Shell Scripts

Click + Add

Name the Script e.g. Install Company Portal and click Next

Upload the saved InstallCompanyPortal.zsh file and set the parameters as

Under Assignments click +Add all devices

Line of Business / Packaged

Deploy Microsoft Office

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Apps -> macOS

Click +Add

From the App type drop down list select Microsoft 365 Apps / macOS

Under Assignments click +Add all devices under REQUIRED

Deploy Support App

The Support App helps an the end user get quick access to basic device information and apps needed when receiving support from IT.

This package has been created and signed by the developer so can be uploaded and deployed by Intune.

Intune supports two methods to deploy .pkg files. In this example we will use the Line-of-business method that leverages the MDM command InstallEnterpriseApplication.

Download the latest packaged version of the Support app from

In the Intune UI

Apps -> macOS

Click + Add

From the drop down menu select Other -> Line-of-business app

Upload the Support App package file Support.x.x.pkg

Under Assignments click +Add all devices

Deploy Privileges App

The SAP privileges App helps an Admin user manage their risk by allowing them to demote themselves to a Standard user when having Admin privileges is not required

Intune supports two methods to deploy .pkg files. In this example we will use the Package method that leverages the Intune binary to intall the package.

Download the latest version of the SAP Privileges tool from

On a Mac install Privileges in the Applications folder

Use the Packages App to create a file called Privileges.pkg

In the Intune UI

Apps -> macOS

Click +Add

From the drop down menu select macOS app (PKG)

Upload the .pkg file

Under Assignments click +Add all devices


Deploy Slack

In Apple Business Manager

In the sidebar click Apps and Books

Search for Slack for Desktop and select the macOS version

Under Buy Licenses select the location corresponding to your Intune instance and specify 10 in the quantity then click Get

In the Intune UI

Apps -> macOS

Select Slack for Desktop from the list of available apps. If it is not listed try clicking Refresh

Under Properties -> Assignments click Edit and click +Add all devices

Mac Additional Setup

Set Mac Wallpaper (Optional)

In order to use a custom image as the Mac Wallpaper the image file needs to be installed on the device. There are multiple methods to then set this image as the Wallpaper. This example uses a custom package to install the images and run a post install script to set the Wallpaper.

Create the .pkg file using a tool such as Packages from Whitebox. Include a post install script with the following content:

osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to set desktop picture to POSIX file "/usr/local/wallpaper/Pretendco_Demokit_Dark.png"'

In the Intune UI

Apps -> macOS

Click + Add

From the drop down menu select Other -> macOS App (PKG)

*The user would normally be prompted to approve the MDM Agent setting the Wallpaper so we deploy a PPPC Profile. This can be created using the Jamf PPPC Utility as follows. Save the profile as IntunePPPC.mobileconfig

PPPC Utility

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type -> Templates then Custom then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. Intune Agent PPPC then click Next

For Custom configuration profile name enter Intune to Finder PPPC

Set Deployment Channel to Device Channel

Upload the Custom Configuration profile file. Use filename IntunePPPC.mobileconfig

Under Assignments click +Add all devices

Compliance Policies

Disk Encryption Policy

Intune can implement Compliance Policies which are evaluated as true orfalse. This calculated state can be used by Azure AD Conditional Access polices to determine whether a user can access certain cloud based**resources from the device.*

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Compliance policies

Click + Create policy to Create a new policy

Give the profile a name e.g. Basic Compliance then click Next

Set the following:

Device Health -> Require System Integrity Protection to Require

System Security -> Device Security -> Firewall to Enable

System Security -> Device Security -> Incoming Connections to Block

System Security -> Device Security -> Stealth Mode to Enable

Set the Action to Mark device noncompliant and the Schedule to Immediately

Under Assignments click +Add all devices

Mac Device Assignment

In Apple Business Manager

From the sidebar click Devices

Search for the serial number of the Mac you will enrol and select it

Click Edit MDM Server

Click Assign the Following MDM and choose the appropriate MDM from the drop down list then click Continue

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> macOS Enrollment

Click Enrollment program tokens

Select the token you created from the list

Under Manage click Devices

If the device you assigned from ABM is not listed click Sync, wait a minute and click Refresh

Check the box next to the device(s) in the list that you wish to apply an ADE profile then click Assign Profile

Under Assign Profile select the appropriate enrolment profile from the drop down list

Click Sync to sync with ABM. This can be done only after 15 mins or more from the last manual sync.

Enrolment Test

You can now test the enrolment process on the Mac you have assigned

Check profiles in the settings app.

Once Company Portal is installed launch it and log in. The device should appear non compliant.

Log out and back in again enabling FileVault in the process.

Log back into Company Portal and see the device is now compliant

Launch Apps, open in Safari and add Exchange account to Mail.

Mac Operations

Software Updates

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Update policies for macOS

Click + Create to Create a new profile

Give the profile a name then click Next

DDM Software Updates

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type - Settings Catalogue then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. macOS Software Update then click Next

Click + Add settings and choose Declarative Device Management (DDM) -> Software Update then check Local Date and Time and Target OS Version and close the Settings Picker

FileVault Key Escrow

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS

Select the relevant Mac from the list of devices

Click Recovery Keys then Show Recovery Key

Erase All Content and Settings

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS

Select the relevant Mac from the list of devices

Click X Erase

Enter any Recovery PIN then click Erase

Additional Mac Config Profiles

When you run the Mac Evaluation Utility on a Mac there is a category Mac Management -> Security with a number of items that are evaluated. The following profiles can help achieve a Success status for some of these items.

Disable the Guest Account

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type -> Settings Catalogue then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. Disable Guest Account then click Next

Click + Add settings and choose Accounts -> Accounts -> Disable Guest Account

Then set Disable Guest Account to True

Disable Auto-login

In the Intune UI

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type -> Templates then Custom then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. Disable Auto Login then click Next

For Custom configuration profile name enter Disable Auto Login

Set Deployment Channel to Device Channel

Upload the Custom Configuration profile file

Assign to All Devices

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN” “”>
<plist version=”1.0”>
    <string>Login Window</string>

Configure Screensaver Lock

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type -> Settings Catalogue then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. Screensaver Lock then click Next

Click + Add settings and choose System Configuration -> Screensaver -> Select all these settings

Module Name =

Login Window Module Path = /System/Library/

Login Window Idle Time = Preferred Value

Ask For Password Delay = Preferred Value

Ask For Password = True

Configure Passcode Profile

NOTE: Be sure to set this via the Settings Catalogue and not via a Template

Navigate to Devices -> macOS -> Configuration Profiles

Click + Create to Create a new profile

Click Profile Type -> Settings Catalogue then Create

Give the profile a name e.g. Passcode Policy then click Next

Click + Add settings and choose Security -> Passcode -> Needed Settings based on company security policy




Get Apple MDM push certificate

Automated Device Enrolment

Set up macOS enrollment

Configuration Profiles

Microsoft Enterprise SSO plug-in for Apple devices

macOS Configuration - See Settings for macOS

Jamf PPPC Utility

iMazing Profile Editor

App Deployment

Apps and Books

Volume-purchased iOS apps


Use shell scripts on macOS devices in Microsoft Intune

Deploying macOS apps with the Microsoft Intune scripting agent

Sample shell scripts for macOS


Packaged Apps

macOS LOB apps


Munki - Software Management for OS X

Comprehensive guide to managing macOS with Intune - A bit out of date but useful

Packages App

Intune Uploader


Software Update

macOS update policies

Third Party Tools

SAP Privileges App

macOS Support App
